What Makes Us Better
As a small local business, we want to provide the best products that we possibly can. We strive for honesty, reliability, and affordability. HONESTY We know that it would be so much easier to be misleading about our products just like other major e-bike companies, but we want to be different. We want to be better than that. We stand behind our products and provide honest answers. RELIABILITY Our products have proven themselves to be of high quality and have been very reliable. Several customers have come back to us saying how they've gone hundreds and thousands of miles hunting, commuting, and coastal riding without any trouble at all. We make sure that your ride is tuned properly, tested, and ready to ride before you receive it. AFFORDABILITY At Northwest Electric Bikes, we provide more performance, power, and comfort for your dollar. We offer a variety of bike packages to fit within your budget. We want to make sure we get the right bike for YOU. SPECIALIZING in CUSTOMIZING We often get customers who have been looking for a long time for something specific that they can't find anywhere else. We will think outside the box to offer customized solutions. We will fit the bike to you, the customer. Enjoy the Ride!
Craig's experience with motorized bikes started in high school. He built his first 2-stroke bike with his dad in his dad's shop. After meeting his wife and having two kids, he decided to try building another bike. Then he got the idea that maybe he could sell one. After selling several gas bikes, he decided to try his hand at electric bikes. He discovered the growing popularity and wanted to assemble electric bikes that would be reliable, efficient, and affordable. Not to mention, a ton of fun!
We started with hub-drive motors. We added mid-drive motors to our bikes in 2018. We have discovered a variety of frames that we can motorize, so we're able to make some customized bikes as well. Thank you for taking the time to find out more about us! Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." |